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Category: Power BI

SVG Filters and more SVG crazy stuff at Workout Wednesday 2024_30

SVG Filters and more SVG crazy stuff at Workout Wednesday 2024_30

A new week comes with a new excercise of Workout Wednesday by Kerry Kolosko: Now SVG Filters. Here are my learnings from this excercise. Grab my solution PBIX here, in case you are interested. This exercise was somewhat exotic to me…not only that I have just learnt about Deneb now we are doing visuals as SVG…so it shortly ocurred to me : “Why on earth are the Power BI core visuals not enough?”I am really skeptical if I would go…

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(Failed) Remake of a Tableau Segmented Bar Chart

(Failed) Remake of a Tableau Segmented Bar Chart

I tried to do the Workout Wednesday Exercise of week 29 but oh boy…this was far to difficult for me.Here’s the PBIX of the failed solution and finally the PBIX of the follow-along-successful solution 😉. Failed approach Data prep and DAX measures I thought were straightforward. I ended up creating a measure for sales for each year and a measure for total sales…sure there are more elegant ways to have this more generic and not have to create a measure…

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Scatter plot showing the path of selected data points

Scatter plot showing the path of selected data points

Another week with Workout Wednesday: This is my take on the exercise for week 27/2024 which is about scatter plots with paths. The challenge is from Bernat Agullo and uses interesting open data from the website Gapminder. I found it very helpful that Bernat provided a written step-by-step guide and I later discovered his video as well. You can download my solution here. So let’s delve in the new things from my perspective. Join Data in Power Query We start…

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Theme Sentiment Colours with Power BI

Theme Sentiment Colours with Power BI

WoW 2024_26 Today I worked on my first submission to Workout Wednesday. Okay it’s technically Thursday here in Germany but more important I managed to do the whole thing. I chose week 26 which is about Reference Theme Sentiment Colors in DAX and practiced how to design a dashboard in a way where color scheme changes are reflected automatically in the formatting of the visual. I would like to share my personal learnings in a short bullet point list. This…

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